Profile Pic of Educare: Journal Of Primary Education Educare: Journal Of Primary Education

Application of cooperative learning type of student team achievement divisions in fiqh subjects at mima 42 wuluhan

  • Authors Details :  
  • Syamsi Rega Virgi Wulandari,  
  • Jasuli Jasuli

Journal title : EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education

Publisher : IAIN Jember

Print ISSN : 2716-1021

Page Number : 49-64

Journal volume : 3

Journal issue : 1

595 Views Research reports

Learning is a process of interaction that occurs between teachers and students. The learning process requires a way or method so that interaction occurs reciprocally and can achieve the desired learning goals. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, and the type of research is a case study. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis with an interactive analysis model (interactive analysis)—the validity of this research data uses the triangulation technique. The results of this study indicate (1) Planning for STAD Type Cooperative Learning Methods in Fiqh Subjects at MIMA 42 Wuluhan, namely: The teacher makes a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), makes observation sheets and score assessment sheets, choose learning media, makes materials and questions. group and individual assignments, and designing study groups. (2) Implementation of STAD Type Cooperative Learning Method in Fiqh Subjects at MIMA 42 Wuluhan: Initial activity: the teacher explains the material that will be given to students. The core activities are: The teacher explains the method to be used, divides students into several groups, plays videos as material, asks students to observe pictures/videos of people, and discusses the material in the video. And all groups present the results of their discussions. Closing activities, namely: providing reinforcement to the material presented by students, the teacher and students reciting prayers, and the teacher planning follow-up learning. (3) Evaluation of STAD Type Cooperative Learning Method in Class Fiqh Subjects at MIMA 42 Wuluhan Jember, namely: Evaluation of observation and performance (demonstration) on group performance. Meanwhile, individual evaluation is in the form of homework (PR).

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