Journal title : EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education
Publisher : IAIN Jember
Print ISSN : 2716-1021
Page Number : 79-94
Journal volume : 3
Journal issue : 1
639 Views Research reports
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the government has issued a learning policy to be carried out online (online). As implemented at Baiturrohman Elementary School, online learning is applied. This research uses a qualitative approach, and the type is a case study. Data collection techniques used participatory observation, structured interviews, and documentation—data analysis using data condensation, data presentation, and concluding. The validity of the data is source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results of this study indicate: (1) Planning the Recitation Method for Arabic Language Subjects in Online Learning at Baiturrohman Elementary School, namely: The teacher determines the goals according to the lesson plans, gives assignments according to the student's abilities, determines the types of assignments such as reading, writing, and practice. Provide instructions/resources in student books and several applications. The teacher provides time for the deadline for submitting assignments from 07.30 to 18.00 in Google Classroom. (2) Implementation of the Recitation Method on Arabic Language Subjects in Online Learning at Baiturrohman Elementary School, namely: Teachers provide guidance if they have difficulties, provide motivation to study at home, and support parents for children's learning at home; students do assignments at home independently. independent. (3) Evaluation of the Recitation Method on Arabic Subjects in Online Learning at Baiturrohman Elementary School, namely: Student assignments are written in spoken/written packages, sent in the form of photos/videos via Google Classroom, Teacher assessments via Google Classroom, Result assessment PH is done via a google form.
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