Profile Pic of Educare: Journal Of Primary Education Educare: Journal Of Primary Education

Pengaruh numbered head together (nht) untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dan motivasi belajar ips peserta didik kelas ii di sd anak saleh

  • Authors Details :  
  • Mutik Nur Fadhilah,  
  • Mohamad Nurahman

Journal title : EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education

Publisher : IAIN Jember

Print ISSN : 2716-1021

Page Number : 165-180

Journal volume : 2

Journal issue : 2

535 Views Case Report

The learning process in the new normal is currently still undergoing a process of adaptation. Where the learning is still limited face-to-face and some others are brave. Process adaptation. This learning requires an NHT learning technique that makes it easier for class II students to understand the concept of social studies learning in the natural and artificial environment as a whole and is able to increase their motivation in learning. The research method uses a quantitative design using a non-equivalent control group design. The variables of this study consisted of independent variables and dependent variables. The population of this study were all second grade students at Anak Saleh Elementary School, while the samples were second grade students who carried out the bold learning process and second grade students who carried out offline learning processes. The data collection used in this study included interviews, questionnaires and observations. The data analysis technique is validity test and reliability test. Analysis of the data used through data coding, data transfer to a computer using prerequisite tests and hypothesis testing. The results of the research show: 1) the level of understanding of the social studies concept of class II students who study with the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning technique is better than conventional learning techniques of 0.429 (results from the t-test) and 2) the level of motivation to learn social studies of class students II with Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning technique of 0.733 is better than conventional learning which is only 0.704. Surely this is greater than rtable = 0.361.

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