Dr Ismath Shameem

Dr.ismath shameem

  • Authors Details :  
  • Ghazala Ahmad,  
  • Ismath Shameem

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Background: Unexplained infertility is a frustrating diagnosis both for the patient and the clinician, with a prevalence of 16%-37%. It commonly refers to a ‘diagnosis’ made when tubal, ovulatory and husband factors are ruled out. A couple is usually referred for evaluation after 1 year of unsuccessful trials of conception with unprotected intercourse in the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. Unani formulation comprises of baikh asgand (Withania somnifera Dunal), baikh piyabansa (Barleria prionitis Linn), gule dhawa (Anogeissus latifolia) and gule nilofar (Nymphaea alba Linn) were used for the treatment of uqr, possessing the properties of muqawwi rahim, moaene hamal, moallide mani, etc. Case presentation: A married couple (22 years female partner & 26 years male partner) presented to NIUM Hospital OPD, with chief complaint of failure to conceive since 5 years. The couple report a high degree of stress related to their lack of success. Investigations were carried to check for tubal patency, ovulatory function and semen analysis. Diagnosis of unexplained infertility was made after thorough evaluation of the case. The powder of above mentioned formulation was given 6g twice a day orally with milk from 5th day of cycle for 5 days. Patient got conceived after taking treatment for two consecutive cycles. Discussion: Here we report evidence based management with Unani medicine to help combat the significant physical, psychosocial and economic toll on couples. Keywords: Unexplained infertility; Primary infertility; Uqr; Muqawwi rahim; Moaene hamal; Moallide mani; Unani medicin

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