Hari Hara Sudhan R
Will comprehensive sexuality education (cse) help in youth development?
- Authors Details :
- Hari Hara Sudhan Ramaswamy
Journal title : Health Education
Publisher : Emerald
Print ISSN : 0965-4283
Page Number : 140-149
Journal volume : 121
Journal issue : 2
Research reports
Purpose – The purpose of this review is to critically analyse the extant research and help readers understand the
ways the school-based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) can contribute towards youth development and
urge policymakers to implement nationwide good-quality, scientific, culturally relevant, age-appropriate and
holistic school-based CSE.
Design/methodology/approach – This literature review has been designed using the extant information
available on Google Scholar, Web of Science (WoS) and PubMed.
Findings – The findings of this review inform that there is a significant need amongst the youth of the day for
good-quality, scientific, culturally relevant, age-appropriate and holistic school-based CSE. Also, the findings
suggest that there are significant associations between school-based CSE and youth development.
Research limitations/implications – This research paper although draws from extant literature about
sexuality education and its delivery across the globe, it applies the sexuality education scenario in India.
Practical implications – The findings of this review aim to implicate nationwide policy-level changes to
implement CSE in the school curricula. There are more practical behavioural changes that CSE could foster
amongst students, which are discussed in the review.
Social implications – Due to the behavioural changes that CSE could foster amongst students, it may help in
the upbringing of responsible citizens who are free of health complications, who can make independent health related
decisions and look after each other in the community.
Originality/value – This review is an original contribution from the author. Whilst there is extant literature
about CSE and youth development, this article fills the void by investigating the interdependent contributions
that both the concepts can make to one another and encourages more research on this topic.
Article DOI & Crossmark Data
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1108/HE-10-2020-0104
Article Subject Details
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Article References
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