OA Profie Id : OA-0000-00543
A Veterinarian and Researcher with research interest in: Animal Influenza, Emerging & Re-Emerging Disease, Zoonotic Diseases, Public Health, One-Health, Coronaviruses
1 - Qualitative assessment of the clinico-pathological features of highly pathogenic avian influenza h5n1 outbreaks in commercial poultry and peri-domestic birds in northern nigeria
2 - Occurrence and molecular detection of avian coronavirus in selected live bird markets, northwestern, nigeria
3 - Seroprevalence of avian leukosis virus in local chickens in five live bird markets, kaduna metropolis, north-western nigeria
4 - Detection of newcastle disease antibodies amongst local chicken slaughtered in live bird markets in kaduna, nigeria
5 - Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminth parasites of local chicken slaughtered at jalingo market, taraba state, nigeria
6 - An international, interlaboratory ring trial confirms the feasibility of an extraction-less “direct” rt-qpcr method for reliable detection of sars-cov-2 rna in clinical samples
7 - Footprints of swine influenza h1n1 and h3n2 in pigs from southern kaduna, nigeria
8 - Live bird markets in nigeria: a potential reservoir for h9n2 avian influenza viruses
9 - Attitude towards wearing face mask increases vulnerability of men over women and the risk of covid-19 pandemic spread in jos-south metropolis, plateau state, nigeria
10 - Detection of antibodies to h5 and h9 subtypes of influenza viruses in wild birds in zaria, nigeria
11 - Occurrence of haemoparasites in cattle slaughtered at jalingo abattoir, north-eastern nigeria