Journal title : World Journal of Innovative Research
Publisher : Nextgen Research Publications
Online ISSN : 2456-8236
Journal volume : 10
Journal issue : 5
489 Views Original Article
This paper examines Nigerian students’ perception or approach to libraries. It cuts across the primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. The reason for the laxity in library real time usage is the primary driving force that led to the research. The research method adopted for this study was longitudinal method to get the right place of the actual issues without official cover-ups where necessary. Secondary data were also used to buttress the position of the research. The population approached for the longitudinal method was randomly picked at the different levels of schools. Parents were also in place at some point to drive home the true intent they have about their children and the use of libraries. Findings revealed that seeming laxity of both undergraduate and graduate students’ perception and attitude about the library is primarily because of the lacuna in their other levels of education before coming to the university. This served as a useful yard stick for the researchers developing workable recommendations that in their opinion will be of immense help to solving it. Index Terms— Library Knowledge, Nigerian Student, Primary School Library, Secondary School Library, Tertiary Library.