Journal Of Neurology And Neuroscience

eISSN : 2171-6625

Publisher : Scitechnol Biosoft Pvt. Ltd.

Low-impact exercises for improving symptoms in parkinson's disease: a literature review

Objective: This study fills an important research gap by focusing on the effectiveness of low-impact exercise in Parkinson's disease (PD), taking into account the different challenges faced by people with varying degrees of disease severity. Motivation: Unlike generic investigations into exercise and PD, our research prioritizes low-impact more...

Exercise and neural plasticity– a review study

Background: The human brain changes with response to various types of activities and experience through the reorganization of its neural connections. This phenomenon is called as neural plasticity. Studies over the past decade have indicated that the adult brain is structurally dynamic. Indeed, dendritic spines dynamically turn over in the more...