Nepal Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research

pISSN : 2645-8470

Publisher : Nepal Journals Online (JOL)

Preferred learning techniques among bachelor’s level students

Learning styles describe how individuals acquire, interpret, and assimilate knowledge differently. The effective use of learning styles is essential for effective classroom education. The three most popular learning styles are kinaesthetic, auditory, and visual. This study pursued to learn more about the preferred learning modes of college students. There were more...

Exploring the academic landscape: a critical analysis and review of the nepal journal of multidisciplinary research [njmr]

The establishment of the Nepal Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (NJMR) aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among global scholars. Consequently, a thorough examination of NJMR's trajectory toward its objectives became essential. This investigation, conducted through systematic review methods, durations five years and encompasses 164 articles, including one special more...