Structural geological atlas

This book presents more than 600 eye-catching structural geological photographs and explanatory descriptions, from different Indian terrains. This book will enable easy identification of deformation features, one of the most important tasks in structural geology at the meso- and micro-scales.

Rajkumar Ghosh Rajkumar ghosh

Pharmacotherapy and associated risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is communicable disease which is common and often deadly infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis continues to be a major public health problem in the world. The aim of this study is to assess prevalence and associated risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis. Treatment and development of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis were also considered. Drugs for Pulmonary tuberculosis confirmed cases used in calculating tuberculosis prevalence in Libya which is obtained from archive department of Abu Seta Hospital. Data obtained from 427 files during 2019 determine the incidence and epidemiology of tuberculosis in Libya. For a total of 427 confirmed cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, about 75.0% of the cases were male and most of the patients (55.0%) were within the age group of 20 - 40 years old. Of the study patients, 114 patients (26.7%) were viral infected and most of the viral infected cases were in the age group of 20 - 40 years and the majority of this age group patients (n = 41, 53.2%) were infected with HIV/HCV, while the least percentage in this group age were infected with HIV/HBsAg (01.3%). Among 427 cases, 73 cases (17.1%) were comorbid with other chronic diseases. Of the 73 cases, 54 cases (74.0%) were diabetes mellitus whereas only 1.4% of them had bronchial asthma, Parkinsonism and renal failure. The drug therapy of active tuberculosis disease needs combination chemotherapy to escape the selection of naturally occurring drug-resistant mutants. Amongst current anti tuberculosis drugs, the rifamycins hold the highest potential for shortening treatment and improving effects. Prevalence of smear positive tuberculosis and bacteriologically confirmed that a high rate of tuberculosis among unemployed population. This study reported that the highest incidence rate is found in people who are smokers.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Study of biophysical and structural mechanisms of resistance in pigeonpea against pod borer complexstudy of biophysical and structural mechanisms of resistance in pigeonpea against pod borer complex

The maximum H. armigera and M. vitrata infestation was recorded in Pusa-992 (3.72% and 7.90%) and in D2 (1st week of July) sown crop with infestation of 4.54 and 13.08 per cent, respectively. Whereas, the infestation of pod fly, M. obtusa was maximum in Manak (2.72%) and 2.58 per cent pod infestation in D2 (1st week of July) sown crop. The infestation of pod borer complex was negatively associated with pod wall thickness (-0.909**, - 0.739*, -0.870*, -0.834*, -0.840*, -0.705* and -0.745*) and non-glandular type A (-0.730*, -0.945**, -0.768*, -0.766*, -0.923** and -0.728*) and (-0.751*, -0.759*, 0.766*, -0.852*, -0.802*, -0.895** and -0.832*) glandular type B (-0.864*, -0.734*, -0.871* and -0.858*) and (-0.729*, -0.705*, -0.730* and -0.845*) density of pod trichomes of top and middle canopy of the plant. Fat (-0.884**, -0.754*, -0.743*, -0.871* and -0.750*) phenol (-0.900** and -0.806*) and tannin (-0.792*, -0.812* and -0.763*) content showed negative correlation with the pod infestation, whereas, crude protein (0.740*, 0.881**, 0.734*, 0.810*, 0.823*, 0.856*, 0.844* and 0.711*) and total soluble sugar (0.738*, 0.792*, 0.793*, 0.898**, 0.714*, 0.816*, 0.888** and 0.819*) showed positive association. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the variety Pusa-992 and Manak was most susceptible to the pod borers.

DR. BABU LAL JAT Dr. babu lal jat

Marketing essentials - primark fashion retailer operating

The chosen organisation for this research work is Primark. Primark is a renowned fashion retailer operating in the global markets today. The organisation is known for its latest fashion products (Azad, 2018). Primark has been selected because it is a famous brand in the global market and has an okay -developed marketing department. Marketing is one of the most critical areas of an organisation. This is mainly because this area helps plan and implement strategies that can enhance an organisation’s sales, profits, and market share. Moreover, marketing can also ensure that customer satisfaction is high, and the positive relationships are maintained with all individuals and parties that are directly or indirectly associated with an organisation. The marketing mix of an organisation comprises of several strategies that can enhance the value to its customers. Following tasks will further elaborate about marketing and its core concepts -

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

Pattern of drug prescribed and drug related problems among hospitalized elderly patients

Prescribing drugs for elderly patients is not an easy task since elderly patients are frequently with comorbid conditions. In Libya, there are no guidelines for the management of medications used in elderly patients and no specialized geriatric health institutions. The aim of this study is to assess the pattern of medication use among hospitalized elderly patients in Sebha Medical Centre and the drug-related problems associated with these patterns. This report is descriptive and retrospective cross-sectional study that is conducted at Sebha Medical Center during 2021. Potential drug-related problems were assessed based on the classification of Hepler and Strand. In this study, out of 195 participants, most of the patients have been given antibiotics (92%). The majority of patients have been prescribed anti-gastric agents, vitamins and anti-thrombotic agents which accounted for 75%, 62% and 55%, respectively. To less extent, anti-hypertensive agents, analgesics and anti-hyperlipidemics were reported by 45%, 43% and 38%, correspondently. Almost all the patients have at least one event of drug-related problem and more than three-quarters of the patients had more than one event of drug-related problems. The highest rate was untreated indications which were reported for 77% then followed by drug use without indication nearly a half of the events 48%. To fewer extent rates were reported: “in improper drug selection”, “drug interaction” and “adverse effects” which were reported for 25%, 23% and 18% of the total events, respectively. Almost all elderly patients have been prescribed antibiotics, analgesics and vitamins. Drug-related problems are predominant prevalent in the clinical practice at the center. This study highlights the importance of activation of clinical pharmacist interventions at hospitals which can contribute to reducing the chance of risk of drug-related problems events among hospitalized elderly patients and ensuring rational drug prescribing in the geriatric clinical settings.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Implementasi kurikulum 2013 di madrasah ibtidaiyah kahasri kota probolinggo tahun pelajaran 2018/2019

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah KAHASRI merupakan lembaga yang ditunjuk oleh Kementerian Agama RI untuk melaksanakan Kurikulum 2013 atau yang disebut K13 baik pada pembelajaran tematik maupun pembelajaran agama sesuai dengan Keputusan Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Islam Nomor 3525 tahun 2017 tentang Penetapan Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka fokus penelitian adalah: 1) Bagaimana perencanaan pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah KAHASRI Kota Probolinggo Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019? 2) Bagaimana pelaksanaan pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah KAHASRI Kota Probolinggo Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019?, 3) Bagaimana evaluasi pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah KAHASRI Kota Probolinggo Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019? Hasil penelitiannya adalah: 1) Perencanaan pembelajaran K13, guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah KAHASRI Kota Probolinggo membuat perangkat pembelajaran berupa Kalender Pendidikan, RPE, Prota, Promes, Silabus, dan RPP. Dalam pembuatan perangkat pembelajaran ada guru yang membuat perangkat pembelajaran secara individu dan ada yang dengan bersama KKG (Kelompok Kerja Guru). (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran K13 di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah KAHASRI Kota Probolinggo memiliki 3 kegiatan yaitu, kegiatan pendahuluan, inti, dan penutup. Pada kegiatan pendahuluan diawali dengan memberikan apersepsi, memberikan stimulus/motivasi, menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran. Pada kegiatan inti guru telah melakukan kegiatan saintifik yang meliputi kegiatan mengamati, menanya, mencoba, mengasosiasi/mengumpulkan, dan mengkomunikasikan. Pada kegiatan penutup dilakukan dengan membuat kesimpulan dari materi yang telah dipelajari, merefleksikan materi yang diajarkan, dan memberikan tindak lanjut berupa penugasan. (3) Evaluasi pembelajaran K13 di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah KAHASRI Kota Probolinggo menggunakan model penilaian autentik yang meliputi 3 aspek yaitu: aspek sikap, aspek pengetahuan, dan aspek keterampilan.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Critical race theory pdf

Critical race theory (CRT) is an intellectual movement that seeks to understand how white supremacy as a legal, cultural, and political condition is reproduced and maintained, primarily in the US context. While CRT is part of a much longer research tradition investigating race and racism, which includes such key fgures as W. E. B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, Angela Davis, Audre Lorde, Gloria Anzaldúa, Cherríe Moraga, and many more, CRT distinguishes itself as an approach that originated within legal studies (in part building from and responding to critical legal studies); aims to be a vehicle for social and political change; has been adopted interdisciplinarily across many fields, including perhaps most notably education; and, in certain contexts, has come to be the umbrella term for studies of race and racism generally. CRT originated as an extension and critique of critical legal studies (CLS). It was also an outgrowth of Marxist critical theory that challenged the rationality, impartiality, and purpose of the legal system. According to the tenets of both CRT and CLS, the legal system is a political and ideological institution that, in part, rationalizes and justifies the existence of the state. Te legal system also requires mastery of an arcane and intentionally inaccessible vocabulary and a set of knowledge and power processes that limit ordinary people’s access to it. Te arbiters of law pretend to rely on reason but actually rely on subjective, politically motivated, culturally biased, and quasi-religious rationale for making and enforcing their decisions. CRT maintains the critique of legalistic thinking found in critical legal studies, but then adds a framework for understanding white supremacy as an immutable fact of a neocolonial state, as well as a praxis for changing it. What separates CRT from other forms of racial critique is that, “Unlike most of the earlier genres of race cholarship, critical race scholarship does not treat race as an independent variable; rather, it regards race as a site of struggle” (Orbe & Allen, 2008, p. 209).

Kamal Singh Kamal singh

A comprehensive study of gorvara puta in preparation of rasa bhasma

Ayurvedic formulations are of three types, Herbal, Mineral and Herbo-Mineral. Of which, Herbomineral is prepared either by Khalweeya or by Bhasmeekarana procedures. The quality of Bhasma depends on the number of putas given. Rasa Bhasma is one such kind of a Herbo-mineral preparation which can be obtained by Puta procedure as described in texts of Rasa Shastra. Though there are different procedures mentioned for preparation of Rasa Bhasma, maarana done with Gorvara puta seems to be an apt way to obtain the final product. Puta is the generalised way of heat application used during the pharmaceutical procedures of Rasa dravyas, where the purified organic Metal/Mineral is converted completely into powder form which can be absorbed easily into the body without causing any ill effects. Different types of Puta have been explained for bhasmeekarana of different metals and minerals. Among them, certain putas have been mentioned where Mandaagni plays a crucial role in Maarana (Incineration). These Mandaagniputas are in use of preparing certain Bhasmas like ShilajitBhasma, HaratalaBhasma, GouripashanaBhasma, and PaaradaBhasma. As these drugs are having relatively low boiling and melting points when compared to other dravyas, and are easy to evaporate when exposed to high temperatures, they need a standardized quantum of heat by which they can be transformed into Bhasma. Gorvara puta is one such kind where agni plays a major role in the preparation of Bhasma. So, the present study A Comprehensive Study of Gorvara Puta in Preparation of Rasa Bhasmahas has been under taken.

Suri abhiram

Utility-based joint power control and resource allocation algorithm for heterogeneous cloud radio access network (h-cran)

The high density of H-CRAN associated with frequent UE handover may degrade the throughput. The infrastructure equipment like RRHs and BBUs consumes more energy to reduce UE energy consumptions. In this paper, we propose a utility-based joint power control and resource allocation (UJPCRA) algorithm for heterogeneous cloud radio access network (H-CRAN). In this framework, the power consumption of baseband units (BBUs), remote radio heads (RRHs), and macrocell base station (MBS) are estimated by predicting their dynamic loads. The data rate achievable for UE associated with each RRH and MBS on resource block RBk is then estimated. The user wishing to connect to a RRH or MBS then checks the corresponding utility with minimum expected energy consumption and the maximum expected data rate. If any UE with high priority traffic connected to MBS could not achieve its desired data rate requirements, then it can cooperatively seek the assistance of any RRH for assigning the balance RBs. The throughput may be enhanced by the high density of H-CRAN and frequent UE handover. Inter- and intracell interference causes the H-CRAN macrocells’ improved data rate to diminish. To lower UE energy consumption, infrastructure devices like RRHs and BBUs need more energy. As a result, there is a trade-off between operators and UE energy conservation. It is possible to determine the power consumption of BBUs, RRHs, and MBS using predictions of their dynamic loads. The UE may then forecast the data rate for each RRH and MBS on the resource block. When a user wishes to connect to an RRH or MBS, they look at the utility with the highest expected data rate and the least predicted energy usage first. A UE with high priority traffic connected to the MBS can cooperatively ask any RRH for assistance in allocating the remaining RBs if it is unable to achieve its intended data rate needs. Experimental results have shown that the proposed JRAUA algorithm achieves higher throughput, resource utilization, and energy efficiency with reduced packet loss ratio, when compared to the existing techniques.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

Assessment of the knowledge and perceptions of pharmacy students towards pharmacovigilance and adr reporting

AIM: The present cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the knowledge, and perception related to pharmacovigilance and ADR reporting among the B.pharm Final year students. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To assess the demographic details of the pharmacy students, their knowledge and perception toward pharmacovigilance and ADR reporting; a validated pretested questionnaire was used which comprises 11 knowledge-based closed-ended questions and 14 perceptions based agree/disagree questions. RESULT: The questionnaire was distributed to the 150 respondents of B. Pharm final year students who were willing to participate in the study. A response rate of 75% was recorded. The number of female respondents 53.3% was comparatively higher than the male respondents 46.6%. Most of the respondents were between 20 -22 years of age and only 4.7% were of 25 years of age. The average positive response for the knowledge-related statements was found to be 86.5% and the average positive response for the perception-related statements was found to be 70.67%. CONCLUSION: The findings showed adequate knowledge among pharmacy students and positive perception towards pharmacovigilance and ADRs reporting. This survey strongly suggests that there is a great need for increasing knowledge in clinical pharmacy courses and practical exposure to cases in the hospitals through internship programs which are meant to provide a unique opportunity for the pharmacy students that they must learn and practice the skills required for quality ADR reporting

Zeenath Banu Zeenath banu

Dietary replacement of fish meal with soybean meal for the optimal growth of juvenile milkfish, chanos chanos (forsskal, 1775) in seawater tanks

The core of the current study is to find out a different source of diet that stimulates better growth rate and low-cost feed for commercial fish milkfish Chanos chanos. This study was to assess the impact of partial replacement of fish meal by soybean meal in the diet of juvenile milkfish, Chanos chanos (initial weight 25 ± 0.6 g). The juveniles were fed with two types of isonitrogenous diets (40% crude protein). Plant protein source diet (D1) comprised of soybean meal 45% and 10% fish meal, while animal protein source diet (D2) contained fish meal 25% and soybean meal 30%. The trial was conducted with two replications for 60 days. Fish juveniles (10 each) were stocked in outdoor fiberglass seawater tanks (5000 Liters). Results revealed that final weight gain (WG), and specific growth rate (SGR) were significantly lower in fish fed D2 diet. Fish fed D1 had better feed efficiency, weight gain (21.88 ± 1.9 g), and SGR (1.05 ± 0.3), while D2 had a lower growth rate, WG (18.71 ± 2.3 g) and SGR (0.93 ± 0.2). The maximum growth rate found on plant diet which is significantly higher weight gain than D2. In D2 feed conversion ratio (0.54 ± 0.21) was significantly higher (P≤0.05). Condition factor among both treatments did not differ significantly (P≥0.05). The survival rate remained constant (100%) in both treatments. Based on the obtained results, it is recommended that 45% soybean meal with addition of 10% fishmeal (40% protein) is more effective than 30% soybean meal with addition of 25% fish meal to the omnivorous milkfish for aquaculture.

Imtiaz kashani

Knowledge and practice on covid-19 among general public

COVID-19 is associate communicable disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. It's currently a virulent disease unfold moving several countries globally. The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge and practices of COVID-19 among general public at the selected setting, Chennai. The main objective was to assess the knowledge and practice on COVID-19, correlate the knowledge with practice on COVID-19, and associate the knowledge and practice on COVID-19 with the demographic variables among the public. A Quantitative non-experimental analysis style was used to assess the knowledge and practice of COVID-19. Sixty individuals were chosen through the non-probability convenience sampling technique. The findings of the analysis disclosed that the majority (40%) of the samples had a high level of knowledge and 43.3% of them had a good practice, 33.3% of them had a moderate level of knowledge and 30% of them had moderate practice, whereas 26.7% of them had a low level of knowledge and 26.7% of them had poor practice on COVID 19. Keywords:- COVID-19, Knowledge, Practice, Pandemic, General Public.

Elsi Queen Elsi queen

Pengembangan kecerdasan kinestetik peserta didik melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler tari tradisional di madrasah ibtidaiyah unggulan al-islah kecamatan muncar kabupaten banyuwangi

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Unggulan Al-Islah Muncar Banyuwangi adalah sekolah swasta yang pada bulan Januari 2018 mulai menerapkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler tari tradisional dengan alasan untuk mengembangkan salah satu potensi yang dimiliki peserta didik yaitu kecerdasan kinestetik. Fokus penelitian ini, yaitu: 1) Bagaimana pengembangan kecerdasan kinestetik peserta didik melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler unsur wiraga tari tradisional di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Unggulan Al-Islah Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi tahun pelajaran 2018/2019? 2) Bagaimana pengembangan kecerdasan kinestetik peserta didik melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler unsur wirama tari tradisional di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Unggulan Al-Islah Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi tahun pelajaran 2018/2019? 3) Bagaimana pengembangan kecerdasan kinestetik peserta didik melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler unsur wirasa tari tradisional di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Unggulan Al-Islah Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi tahun pelajaran 2018/2019? Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Meliputi, dengan pengenalan gerak dasar tari, pembiasaan senam pemanasan, latihan gerakan-gerakan tari tradisional dan perkembangannya dapat menguasai bagian-bagian tubuh ketika menari. 2)Meliputi, mengatur cepat lambatnya gerakan menggunakan hitungan dan perasaan, mengatur antara pergantian gerakan disaat musik yang tepat dengan menggunakan hitungan, mengatur keselarasan antara pukulan musik dengan gerakan-gerakan agar terdengar lebih mantap dengan menggunakan hitungan dan perasaan, dan perkembangannya dapat menyeimbangkan gerakan tari dengan alunan musik. 3) Dengan pembiasaan senam senyum selama beberapa menit agar terbiasa berkspresi tersenyum ketika menari, dan perkembangannya dapat terbiasa berekspresi tersenyum ketika menari.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential of four varieties of bell pepper (capsicum annum l.) in rodents

The aim of the study was to evaluate the analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of four different colored (green, yellow, orange, and red) sweet bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) are available at the local market in Karachi, Pakistan. Their 95% ethanol extracts at 200 and 400 mg/kg were prepared and compared with commonly used analgesics (aspirin) and anti-inflammatory agents supporting its traditional use. The analgesic effects of 95% ethanol extracts of Capsicum annum L. were investigated by acetic acid-induced writhing, tail immersion and hot plate test. The anti-inflammatory activities were observed using carrageenan-induced edema of the hind paw in rats. Animals were divided into ten groups (n=7): (1) Control (2) CAG 200 (3) CAG 400 (4) CAR 200 (5) CAR 400 (6) CAO 200 (7) CAO 400 (8) CAY 200 (9) CAY 400 and (10) Standard. All the extracts were given orally. Acute toxicity was also determined by increasing the dose to 3000 mg/kg, which showed no evidence of mortality. All extracts of Capsicum significantly increased the hot plate pain threshold and remarkably reduced the carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema. Results obtained were compared with the corresponding control group, revealing that the fresh fruit extract of all four kinds of bell pepper (200 mg/kg and 400mg/kg) possess anti-inflammatory and pain-suppressing activities possibly mediated via PG synthesis inhibition

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Variation in fruit morphological traits of jatropha curcas at stand and tree level

Nine fruit morphological traits were studied in ten stands of Jatropha curcas spread in eight forest divisions of Uttarakhand. Variation was examined at stand level as well as at tree level. Significant differences were found among stands for fruit length, fruit diameter, pericarp weight per fruit, seed: fruit weight ratio, kernel: fruit weight ratio and pericarp: fruit weight ratio traits while all morphological traits showed significant differences among trees within stands. The estimation of the variance components, however, revealed that the fruit traits, especially weight traits viz. fruit weight, total seed weight per fruit and total kernel weight per fruit have negligible contribution from stands and small contribution from trees. Maximum variation was found among fruits within trees (i.e. at fruit level or error). Pericarp weight per fruit and fruit ratio traits (i.e. seed: fruit weight ratio, kernel: fruit weight ratio and pericarp: fruit weight ratio) were affected to small extent by stand per se. The repeatability of all fruit traits at tree level were also low to moderate (0.105 to 0.278)

Kshitij malhotra

Creative tourism

Creative tourism has been stimulated as new form of tourism by more skilled forms of tourism activities, by the growth of new consumption patterns, and by changes in the production of tourism products. It can solve that problems experienced by tourists in the conventional tourism. Creativity has many definitions and that based on the function of creativity, it was historically related to creative person, but the recent research in creativity focused on creative product. However, creativity can be located in four areas, and they are: creative person, creative product, creative process, and creative environment. Creativity means “the production of novel and useful ideas in any domain”, which refers to the generation of ideas. Today, creativity becomes as a strategy that promoting individual skill development and innovation, this strategy has been followed by many cities and regions around the world in order to obtain the growth throughout commodification, knowledge development, globalization and increasing competition. Creativity can play a significant role in the mainstream tourism experiences that can be added to the places’ atmosphere, creativity is considered as an attractive policy for stimulating other creative activities and outcomes of social, economic and cultural through spilling knowledge and networking. Indeed, creativity can impact tourism in many ways such as: tourism itself as a creative area, tourism products, skills development and performance development. Thus, the important role of creativity in tourism has been incarcerated in many trends

Mukhles m. al-ababneh

Anti-inflammatory potential of medicinal plants

Inflammation is said to be a healthy component of the body immune system's reaction. Inflammation is characterised by four key symptoms: pain, redness, heat or warmth and swelling. As secondary metabolites, plants may produce a wide range of phytochemical compounds, which possess anti-inflammatory characteristics. Herbal remedies are important therapies for a wide range of ailments all over the world. There are around 7 500 species of medicinal plants, including representatives from over 17 000 flowering plant species. Even when synthetic chemistry has developed out their expectations, the use of natural ingredients in the manufacture of drugs used in contemporary medicine is unparalleled. By interfering with the biology of inflammation, anti-inflammatory medications may assist to minimise tissue damaging and increase patient’s comfort. Because of the bulky figure of species reachable for study, the effective development of novel naturally taking place anti-inflammatory drugs is mostly dependent on a multidisciplinary approach to discovering new chemicals. Despite the statistic that many review papers have been produced in this field, the conventional of them simply examined the issue from an area perspective. Several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been shown to reduce inflammation and pain by decreasing the isoform of the cyclooxygenase enzyme's digestion of arachidonic acid, hence lowering prostaglandin production. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a host of harmful effects. There are, however, medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory pharmacological properties that have few or no negative effects.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

A linear programming integer model for cellular manufacturing layout design with machine flexibility and dynamic criteria

The Cellular Manufacturing is adopted in batch type manufacturing industries nowadays for their production with increased productivity, less cost and time with effective control. The proposed optimization model is used to determine the cost of machine cells, i.e., machine duplication, part subcontract, inter intra cellular movements cost and cost of production associated with machine cell, such as machine reconfiguration and part inventory considering machine flexibility for various time periods. Initially, a mathematical model is proposed to calculate machine cell cost with and without considering machine flexibility, and then another lpp integer model is proposed to calculate the machine cell production and associated cost for the changes in the time period, part type, and volume considering machine flexibility. The manufacturing data in the incidence matrix and machine cell, and part family data in the block diagonal form are given as input to the optimization programming language Cplex and the output is given for the two mathematical models. The data relating to machine duplication, part subcontract, inter intracellular movement; machine reconfiguration, and part inventory are given. Two-dimensional shop floor layouts are presented in rectilinear coordinates for all the problems for easy analysis of material movement length and shop floor area

S RAMESH S ramesh

Zootherapeutics (animal-based remedies) for urolithiasis: history, current scenario and future dimensions

Animals like plants are also medicinal agents for preventing and curing different health problems worldwide, practically in all human cultures. Zootherapy is ancient and has strong evidence of the medicinal use of animal resources. Different animal body parts and preparations are used in folk medicines. Zootherapy reveals that medical practitioners have always considered animals a source of surprising and numerous therapeutic effects. A high diversity of animals, their parts, and derivative products are used, and this is a heritage that could constitute a fundamental step in the discovery and isolation of natural extracts and new and low-cost alternative drugs from animals. About 12% of people worldwide are affected by different types of urolithiasis; the recurrence rate in females is 47-60%, and in males is 70-80%. According to WHO, 75% of the population relies on traditional medicines to prevent and cure diseases. Hence, there is a need to concentrate on all folk natural products effective in urolithiasis for their pharmacological evaluation and isolation of single drug molecules responsible for anti-urolithiasis activity to develop suitable formulations against urolithiasis.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Bioefficacy and persistency of insecticides against blister beetle, mylabris pustulata (thunb.) in pigeonpea, cajanus -cajan (l.) millsp

Blister beetle, Mylabris pustulata (Thunb.) is a polyphagous pest attacking flowers of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), cotton (Gossypium sp), lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus), mungbean (Vigna radiata), urdbean (Vigna mungo), ricebean (Vigna umbellata) etc. throughout the country. Because of its polyphagous feeding nature and hard protective adaptation against insecticides, long term management of this pest with a single molecule is difficult. Therefore, field cum laboratory experiments were carried out for three consecutive cropping seasons during kharif 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 to find out the persistence and efficacy of different insecticides. It was found that decamethrin 2.8EC was 3334 times toxic with lowest LC50 value (0.0000563) followed by monocrotophos 36SL as compared with endosulfan which was the least toxic with LC50 value (0.1877). Insecticides evaluated for their persistent toxicity during 2009-10 revealed that decamethrin and thiodicarb caused cent per cent mortality of adult blister beetle immediately after spray. At 8th days after spraying, decamethrin caused 60 per cent mortality. Insecticides evaluated for their efficacy during the year 2010-11 revealed that the plants were found free from adult blister beetle population in treatments involving decamethrin and cypermethrin even at ten days after spray. Among all the treatments, spraying of thiodicarb 75WP @ 625 g ha-1 provided the highest grain yield (18.87 q ha-1). Maximum cost-benefit ratio was observed in monocrotophos 36SL, cypermethrin 25EC and decamethrin 2.8EC

DR. BABU LAL JAT Dr. babu lal jat

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