Fesability of international trading

With the projected growth of the global electric vehicle market that is estimated to double in the next decade, the expansion of the battery manufacturing capacity will primarily depend on the auto market’s electrification. Moreover, the market growth puts new requirements on the end-of-life phase and the recycling components. Therefore, the report provides a feasibility research study aimed at investigating the international initiative. It identifies the production and exportation of Lithium-Ion Batteries to the Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers and consumers as a business opportunity and discusses the gaps in the current market. The research also includes a look at the cost estimates that are bound to affect the company. Additionally, the report also includes recommendations for the company to ensure that it understands the policy frameworks and market systems for electric cars adoption. By doing so, the report discusses several aspects of the entire Lithium-Ion Battery business, justifying the business idea.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

"flipping the language classroom:" effects of gamifying instruction in the english language proficiency of filipino esl students

The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of gamifying instruction in the English language proficiency of Grade 8 Filipino ESL students in one University in Bicol, Philippines, that offers Junior High School. The quasi-experimental single pretest-posttest design was used in the study. The researcher-made test which underwent series of validation was given before and after the intervention period to determine the level of English proficiency and level of effectiveness of the games. Statistical treatment was done employing frequency count, T-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The findings revealed that there was significant difference between the pretest and posttest of the respondents using gamification. Thus, it can be inferred that the games helped in improving the level of English proficiency of the Grade 8 students. The statistical test results disclosed further that the effectiveness of the three games introduced to the students were significantly high. With these findings, it was recommended that language teachers should use gamification as supplementary instructional material in improving the English proficiency of the students.

Darrel Ocampo Darrel ocampo

Penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan agama islam pada masa pandemi covid-19 di madrasah ibtidaiyah

The inculcation of Islamic religious values ??is an effort to shape the character of students to achieve a degree as a human being who is in accordance with norms, culture and religion. This research describes the process of internalization and the method of cultivating Islamic religious values ??in an unusual situation, namely in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach, a type of case study with interview and observation data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of student learning in a pandemic situation is carried out in two ways, namely (1) online and (2) offline. The values ??instilled in students include (a) worship, (b) faith and (c) morals. Meanwhile, the methods used by teachers in the process of inculcating Islamic religious values ??during the pandemic were practice methods, guidance methods, and memorization methods. Penanaman nilai-nilai agama Islam merupakan sebuah upaya dalam membentuk karakter siswa untuk mencapai derajat sebagai manusia yang sesuai norma, budaya serta agama. penelitian ini mendeskripsikan proses internalisasi hingga metode penanaman nilai-nilai agama Islam di situasi yang tidak biasa yakni di era pandemi covid-19. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, jenis studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara dan observasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran siswa dalam situasi pandemi dilakukan dengan dua cara yakni (1) daring dan (2) luring. Nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan kepada siswa meliputi (a) ibadah, (b) keimanan dan (c) akhlak. Sedangkan metode-metode yang digunakan guru dalam proses penanaman nilai-nilai agama Islam selama pandemi adalah metode praktik, metode bimbingan, dan metode hafalan.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

The beginnings of the organization of the kosovo liberation army in the lap operational subzone december 1995 – june 1998

The study, “The beginnings of the organization of the Kosovo Liberation Army in the Lap Operational Subzone December 1995 – June 1998,” as its object of study has the period of the Kosovo Liberation War in the years 1998-1999. This study touches upon the historical dimension of the efforts and sacrifices of Albanians found in the Serbian-Yugoslav area against their will.This study’s main topic is the beginnings of the organization in the Lap Operational Subzone (LOSz) as a significant part of the KLA. The study has undergone a scientific analysis based on sources of all kinds. The analysis included LOSz’s position in the KLA structure: the mission and duties during the liberation war, the governing bodies at the beginning of the LOSz organization and their functional organization, as well as the battles and downfalls of the freedom fighters. Historical literature, feuilletons, scientific papers, as well as interviews with famous personalities, were used to shed more light on the organization and the war in LOSz. This topic covers an essential segment of the Kosovo Liberation War period 1998-1999 And contributes towards the complete enlightenment of this historical period, especially in this region. Therefore, hopefully, this study will build interest and create perspectives for new studies of this nature.


Marine cyanobacterial peptides in neuroblastoma: search for better therapeutic options

Neuroblastoma is the most prevalent extracranial solid tumor in pediatric patients, originating from sympathetic nervous system cells. Metastasis can be observed in approximately 70% of individuals after diagnosis, and the prognosis is poor. The current care methods used, which include surgical removal as well as radio and chemotherapy, are largely unsuccessful, with high mortality and relapse rates. Therefore, attempts have been made to incorporate natural compounds as new alternative treatments. Marine cyanobacteria are a vital source of physiologically active metabolites, which have recently received attention owing to their anticancer potential. This review addresses cyanobacterial peptides' anticancer efficacy against neuroblastoma. Numerous prospective studies have been carried out with marine peptides for pharmaceutical development, including research on anticancer potential. Marine peptides possess several advantages over proteins or antibodies, including small size, simple manufacturing, cell membrane crossing capabilities, minimal drug-drug interactions, minimal changes in blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity, selective targeting, chemical and biological diversities, and effects on liver and kidney functions. We discussed the significance of cyanobacterial peptides in generating cytotoxic effects and their potential to prevent cancer cell proliferation via apoptosis, the activation of caspases, cell cycle arrest, sodium channel blocking, autophagy, and anti-metastasis behavior.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Regards croisés sur les processus d’apprentissage/acquisition implicite des constituants linguistiques des langues par des apprenants

Cet article vise à mettre en évidence les expériences et points de vue de certains auteurs sur l’apprentissage implicite du langage humain. L’apprentissage implicite est une procédure fondamentale. Le comportement devient sensible aux caractéristiques structurales. Dans le premier point de vue, il y a eu trois expériences qui ont montré que les jeunes apprenants sont sensibles aux régularités lexicales qui n’ont pas été explicitement enseignées; la deuxième expérience portait sur l’utilisation de la répétition des lettres quant à la troisième, elle portait sur la préférence des consonnes uniques ou doublées. Les résultats de ces expériences ont montré que les jeunes apprenants sont sensibles à la fréquence de doubles consonnes, à l’identité des consonnes qui peuvent ou ne peuvent pas se répéter. Les difficultés innées à l’apprentissage de la langue ont fait l’objet du deuxième point de vue. Elles sont de deux ordres: la langue en tant qu’un ensemble de séquences sonores et les indices de découverte d’un mot dans un discours. Les enfants segmentent les mots à partir de huit mois. Les connaissances procédurales se mettent en place par la répétition mentale et pratique. Les propriétés structurelles et statistiques sont à la base de l’apprentissage de la langue.


A novel approach for productivity improvement of a man machine system – a field data base model way

A Man-Machine System means an activity occurring/occurred with the involvement of a human being with the help of some tools used to interact with the material. In small foundries, the moulding process is manual & labours have to work in different psychological moods, stress, and strain, without training on ergonomic posture, in different environmental factors such as temperature, vibrations, noise dust which affects productivity and also the amount of human energy input to produce the component. This paper makes an attempt to develop a mathematical model to relate productivity with various parameters and identify the most sensitive parameter to control productivity.

Rahul bachute

Productivity and profitability of mustard (brassica juncea l.) in pearl millet-mustard cropping system as influenced by front line demonstrations intransitional plain of inland drainage zone of rajasthan

Front line demonstration is an appropriate means for demonstration as well as transfer of improved agricultural innovations to the farming community. Under centrally sponsored schemes on oilseed production technology under NFSM schemes, KVK Athiyasan, Nagaur-I conducted 425demonstrations on mustard covering 180 ha areaduring Rabi, 2015-16to 2019-20. The critical inputs were identified in existing production technology through discussion with farmers and on the basis of soil sampling. Lack of plant protection measures were the predominant identified causes of low productivity of oilseed crop in district Nagaur. In the same sequence the other parameters like technological impact, economical impact and extension gap were analyzed for impact assessment of frontline demonstration (FLDs) on mustard crop. The results of five consecutive years study revealed that the demonstration plots produced on an average 1954 kg/ha mustard grain yield, which was 22.51% higher compared to prevailing farmers practice (1597 kg/ha). The average increase in gross return, net return and cost of cultivation was in the tune of 22.36, 31.08 and 6.43 per cent, respectively. Further, data indicated that the average additional cost of cultivation (Rs. 1435/ha) under integrated crop management demonstrations and has fetched additional net returns of Rs. 12659 per hectare with incremental benefit: cost ratio of 0.41. The average technology gap, extension gap & technological index were found 636kg/ha, 356kg/ha and 24.44percent, respectively. The results clearly indicate the positive effect of FLDs over the existing practices.

DR. BABU LAL JAT Dr. babu lal jat

Making sense of ‘homemaking’ in the diaspora: the case of the indo-surinamese hindustanis in the netherlands

Diaspora groups across the world have been known for adopting and inventing processes and forms of ‘homemaking’ in their host lands. This article brings into focus the methods of homemaking assumed by the Indo-Surinamese Hindustani diaspora in the Netherlands, which owes its origin to colonial dispersal. Considering their status as a ‘twice-migrant’ diaspora, the process may appear to be distinctly difficult for the Hindustanis, a position this article seeks to examine. The article interrogates the notion of homemaking in the case of the Hindustanis through ethnographic conversational interviews of Indo-Surinamese interlocutors—a unique perspective based on personal histories and everyday experiences.

Roshni Sengupta Roshni sengupta

Marketing management in business

There is a close relationship between a marketing strategy and its ability to realise its mission, vision, and business strategy. A case in point is the Nike brand that focuses on creating meaningful stories for its loyal fan base. It achieves this by inducing emotions into the customer base through "emotional branding" to realise its vision of expanding human potential by creating groundbreaking sports innovations. Nike's marketing campaign strategy involves building meaningful stories and tag lines using a traditional narrative of a hero who overcomes every challenge brought forth through its slogan of "Just Do It." The brand also has a distribution strategy of using subsidiaries like Converse, Jordan, and Hurley and channels like retailers, e-commerce, and supermarkets to reach out to millions of its customers (Mahdi, Abbas, Mazar, & George, 2015). To achieve its mission of bringing innovation and inspiration to every athlete globally, the brand has invested in top-notch technologies like hyper-adapt as part of a marketing strategy.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

Beliefs and practices in taking licensure examination for teachers as spectrum of teachers’ moral principles: a case probe

The study employed Appreciative Inquiry framework to have an in-depth investigation in the personal lives of the participants and to draw connections between their beliefs and practices in taking Licensure Examination for Teachers and how these superstitions reflect and affect their moral principles. Specifically, it aimed to: (1) determine the superstitious beliefs followed by the examinees before, during, and after taking the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET); (2) determine the positive and negative impact of these superstitions in the aspect of taking LET; and, (3) identify the effects of these superstitions in the characters and principles of the teachers. Semi-structured interview and focus group discussion were used and the data-sources were triangulated to come-up with a stronger analysis. Audit trail and member checking were followed to ensure that there were no biases in the interpretation of the data and to establish the validity of the results. Findings revealed that the student examinees followed different superstitious beliefs before, during and after the exam which have positive and negative effects. The motive of avoiding failure in the examination predominates over the motive of achieving success. The positive and negative effects of superstitions vary from one person's experience to another. Moreover, the assertion and personal disposition to pass the exam became the product of student examinees' projection. The superstitious notions were initiated to discard the student examinees' fears and to safeguard their emotional sphere against negative feelings and any untoward possibilities. Meanwhile, in the development of moral principle, the student examinees' family, peers and the society are important factors in the establishment of their belief system which later on reflects the moral principles they uphold.

Darrel Ocampo Darrel ocampo

Efficient and secure data transfer in iot

Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been used widely in our daily day to day life, starting from health care devices, hospital management appliances to a smart city. Most of the IoT devices have limited resources and limited storing capability. All the sensed information must have to be transmitted and to store in the cloud. To make a decision and for making analysis all the data stored in the cloud has to be retrieved. Making certain the credibility and security of the sensed information are much necessary and very important for the use of IoT devices. We tend to examine the proposed technique to be much secure than the existing one. In IoT, if the security is not ensured, then it may result in a variety of unsought issues. This survey resembles the overall safety aspects of IoT and debates the overall issues in the security of IoT.

Jebin Bose S Jebin bose s

Phaseolus vulgaris linn: botany, medicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology

The present review shares updated data on the botany, distribution, medicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Phaseolus vulgaris L. All provided information was obtained through Google scholar, Pubmed, SciFinder, Scirus, Web of Science and a library search.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

An application of modified path matrix approach for detection of isomorphism among epicyclic gear trains

The identification of isomorphism in epicyclic gear trains has been found a lot of attention by researchers for the last few years. Various methods have been suggested by different authors for the detection of isomorphism in planer kinematic chains and epicyclic gear trains (EGTs), but everyone has found some difficulties to address new issues. In this paper, a modified path matrix approach was presented in order to compare all the distinct geared kinematic mechanisms. A new method based on the matrix approach and corresponding train values is required to identify isomorphism among epicyclic gear trains and their mechanisms. The proposed method was examined on the basis of various examples from four-link, five-link, six links, and eight-link one-degree-of-freedom EGTs and six links two-degree-of-freedom EGTs. All the examples have been found satisfactory results with existing literature.

Jiyaul mustafa

Ambiguities in verbal linguistic jokes and devaluation of grice’s maxims of conversation as ingredients in vice ganda’s top-grossing films

Lexical and structural levels of language abound ambiguities that are good source of humor. Consequently, violations of the maxims of conversation are leeway to induce humor in any type of discourse. Adding these two precepts and considering pragmatics as its foundation became the bases in analysing the top-grossing films of Vice Ganda. It sought to identify the verbal linguistic jokes and ambiguities present in the top-grossing films of Vice Ganda; determine on how these ambiguities create devaluation of Grice’s maxims of conversation; and determine on how the ambiguities in verbal linguistic jokes and devaluation of Grice’s maxims of conversation were used as ingredients in Vice Ganda’s top-grossing films. Discourse analysis was used in the study and the analytical framework to induce humor by Taghiyev (2018) was used in analysing the corpora. A priori coding was used to identify the recurring ambiguities and devaluation of maxims in the films. Findings show that lexical-semantic and structural-syntactic ambiguities were present in the films. It was intentionally used in order to create humorous effect in the dialogues of the films. Moreover, the devaluation of the maxims of conversation quietly and unostentatiously, opting out, coping with a clash between maxims, and flouting was deemed an effective ingredient to make the films become comical and appealing to the audience.

Darrel Ocampo Darrel ocampo

Chemical pharmacognosy in natural drug discovery-bridging folk wisdom and modern medicine

"Chemical Pharmacognosy" explores natural drug discovery, traversing from traditional remedies to modern therapeutics. This interdisciplinary approach aids biodiversity exploration, supports conservation, and validates Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The significance extends to drug formulation, quality control, and combating drug resistance. Symbolizing a holistic journey, it bridges traditional wisdom with scientific innovation, playing a pivotal role in harnessing nature's chemical diversity for human health and guiding drug development.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Got faith?-an in-depth analysis and review of five faith-based prisoner reentry programs in florida

In the United States, prisoner reentry programs are a necessity to re-integrate back into society and are of two types: Faith and Non-Faith. With increased emphasis placed on reforming the criminal justice system policies due to Black Lives Matter and other non-profits actively working to change the system from the outside, reentry programs are having a resurgence of interest for effective public policy. There are significant barriers for major policies at the state, local, and federal to be alleviated, nevertheless, our research wanted to consider the effectiveness of five faith-based, male-only reentry programs in central Florida. Small focus groups were utilized to better understand the concerns and issues returning inmates faced in the program as well as when returning to society. Reentry participants were found to have high confidence in the success of their participation in their faith-based program’s efforts on their personal and family growth.

International Journal of Business and Social Science Research International journal of business and social science research

Strategic international business management - lidl plans

Will discuss how the German giant Lidl plans to take expansionary steps in a Mexican or Norwegian market to add to its success records in the European and North American markets. Lidl began modestly in 1973 with a small shop that runs three members and offers 500 products to 10,500 stores in 29 countries. Lidl has many pros, plus the disadvantages to consider when evaluating the components available in each country, both the pros and cons of this analysis will be reviewed using PESTLE, five- force models, internal value-activities, international business being able to. Accordingly, the next targeted expansion decision will be made.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

Surface modification of anhydrous borax with stearic acid by wet coating method

The wet coating of anhydrous borax powders with stearic acid (SA) to reverse their inherent hydrophilic surface properties was investigated. The coating procedure was based on the results from a previous study that revealed that the stearic acid solution (2 wt. % SA) mixed for 60 minute at 750 rpm on the magnetic stirrer was sufficient for the surface modification of anhydrous borax. For the experiments, stearic acid powders were first dissolved in water at 80 °C. The mixture obtained by adding anhydrous borax powders to this solution was vigorously mixed on a magnetic stirrer to initiation and completion the surface modification. Each of these solutions was then filtered using a filter paper to separate the undissolved particles, and the residue on paper was dried at 50 °C for 48 h until constant weighing was obtained. Wettability has been accepted as a key parameter for success in wet coating treatment. This parameter gained via the experimental characterization technique was used for an evaluation of the powder properties. The degree of wettability of anhydrous borax powders was measured and compared both after their surfaces were coated with stearic acid and after they were treated with water for a certain period of time in an aqueous environment. The stearic acid coating made the powder hydrophobic and this property was highly preserved after washing.

Journal of Characterization Journal of characterization

A study of foreign direct investment in indian pharmaceutical industry

Human being has some basic needs which include Food, Clothing & Shelter, in addition to above Healthcare, Education, Sanitation are also core part of basic necessities in modern society. In above mention basic necessities Healthcare facility was near to unavailable till independence for majority of citizens in country but this picture change dramatically with help of FDI allowed by Govt. of India. Foreign Direct Investment as a strategic element of funding is required in every develop & developing country. FDI inflows are long term in nature which causes source of non-debt finance, as well as bring modern & innovative technology in country by creating international network. In this paper, author attempted to discover how FDI is crucially impact on Indian Pharmaceutical Sectors progress by stimulating domestic investment & new employment opportunities, improving healthcare facilities to citizens in India. With the help of available relevant secondary data, a qualitative approach was followed for the study. It was found in study that the major factors responsible for attracting FDI in pharmaceutical sector are rise in outsourcing activities, demand in the generics market, demand from emerging segments, increase in domestic demand, large numbers of forthcoming patent expires. On the other hand Indian pharmaceutical industry is facing some challenges such as, low government expenditure on healthcare, poor healthcare infrastructure in rural areas, lack of proper Govt. policy to attract larger FDI in healthcare sector.

ANSHUMAN VIJAY MAGAR Anshuman vijay magar

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