Therapeutic potential of marine peptides in malignant melanoma

Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. It is becoming more common globally and is increasingly resistant to treatment options. Despite extensive research into its pathophysiology, there are still no proven cures for metastatic melanoma. Unfortunately, current treatments are frequently ineffective, costly, and have several adverse effects. Natural substances have been extensively researched for their anti-MM capabilities. Chemoprevention and adjuvant therapy with natural products is an emerging strategy to prevent, cure or treat melanoma. Numerous prospective drugs are found in aquatic species, providing a plentiful supply of lead cytotoxic chemicals for cancer treatment. Anticancer peptides are less harmful to healthy cells and cure cancer through several methods, such as altered cell viability, apoptosis, angiogenesis/metastasis suppression, microtubule balance disturbances and targeting lipid composition of the cancer cell membrane. This review addresses marine peptides as effective and safe treatments for MM and details their molecular mechanisms of action.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Credit risk analysis- a case study of canara bank

All the people who need loan may turn to their local banks, credit unions or peer to peer lenders. Every lending institution has its own advantages and drawbacks. In this scenario credit risk management becomes increasingly important element as the same is concerned with managing the financial debts and safeguarding the interest of the banks. The purpose of credits given by banks is to earn interest and make profits. The important function of credit management is to decide how much credit should be given to the borrower and ensuring compliances with the credit terms of repayment and avoid Non-Performing Assets (NPA) to the banks. Credit risk is the biggest risk the bank faces by the virtue of nature of business, inherits. The ability of commercial banks to formulate and adhere to policies and procedures that promote credit quality and curtail non-performing loans is the means to survive in the stiff competition. Inability to create and build up quality loans and credit worthy customers leads to default risk and bankruptcy as well as hamper the economic growth of the country

Shaila Kamath Shaila kamath

Make in india: how much is the lion’s share in fdi inflow?

The present study focused on analysing the impact of ‘Make in India’ campaign on FDI inflows in country. The research period is divided in two parts one is pre ‘MII’ & another is post ‘MII’ period. The analysis of ‘Make in India’ campaign is done to identify the scope of the campaign & methodology of working of various allied departments monitoring campaign. The present research work also attempted to take overview of various policy reforms initiated by Government of India to promote the FDI as well domestic investment in 25 sectors shortlisted under MII. The FDI inflows statistics reveals that, the post MII period is showing the highest growth in FDI equity inflows as compare to same period i.e. 2009- 2014. The MII initiative is one of the reason for the jump in FDI inflows. The overview of policy reforms shows that GOI through DIPP attempted to open almost all sectors for 100% FDI through automatic route. Government has provided multiple incentives for Foreign Investors to establish their manufacturing facilities in country but very negligible response has been seen in the nature of FDI equity inflows in the same period. Further results of study reveals that multiple ‘MOU’s have been signed by States & Central Governments, but they yet not converted in actual investments. The major reasons behind the same is lack of SWOT analysis through Governments before inviting the foreign investors. As well lack of basic infrastructure, land, lack of skilled manpower, cheap & un interrupted power supply to MIDC’s & SEZ’s is yet not successfully provided, lower rankings in Ease Of Doing Business (EODB), Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index (GMCI) is also cause of concern & tumbling block in the success of MII mission..

ANSHUMAN VIJAY MAGAR Anshuman vijay magar

Axiology of gender bias- and compliments of empowerment in the life of women empowerment.

Gender Bias is an ambivalent issue all over the world. Understanding the values of being a man on women by one another may solve many consequences in future. Gender Bias will be dismissed by empowering women in the society. Because of the Gender Bias particularly women are in despaired state. UNO and many organizations have taken many decisions and efforts to empower women which will reduce the impacts of Gender Bias. Even though women are empowered we didn’t get remarkable result yet. Even our society is ridicule get ride from traditional customs but women themselves are opponent for accepting new rules and liberations. Empowering women is a mandated one; it is not implemented properly empower must bring the equal rights to women.

Priya darshini Priya darshini

Internalisasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran ppkn di madrasah ibtidaiyah maarif condro jember

Nilai-nilai Nasionalisme yang diterapkan peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Condro Jember seringkali terkesan dikesampingkan. Hal ini dilihat dari kurangnya kesadaran peserta didik terhadap nilai moral dan Nasionalisme, seperti tidak mentaati peraturan sekolah, tidak menghargai teman, membolos, tidak mampu menghafal sila pancasila serta lagu Indonesia raya. Masih dijumpai peserta didik berperilaku dan bersikap belum baik atau masih rendah terhadap nilai-nilai nasionalisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) Strategi internalisasi nilai nasionalisme pada pembelajaran PPKN di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Condro Jember. 2) Penerapan nilai karakter nasionalisme yang dilakukan pada pembelajaran PPKN di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Condro Jember. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Strategi internalisasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran PPKN ini adalah mamasukkan nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran PPKN melalui pendekatan-pendekatan yang mampu diterima oleh peserta didik agar peserta didik bisa menjadi warga negara yang baik dan bisa memberikan kontribusi dalam memajukan bangsanya dimasa depan. 2) Penerapan nilai karakter nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran PPKN melalui mediator keteladanan guru dan kegiatan praktik langsung melalui pengalaman belajar seperti model pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, bahan ajar, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Perilaku berkarakter nasionalis yang diaktualisasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di sekolah oleh siswa yaitu disiplin, cinta tanah air, semangat kebangsaan, cinta damai, peduli lingkungan, menghargai prestasi, dan toleransi.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Vitamin c and human diseases: an overview

Vitamin C is associated with history of the cause of the ancient hemorrhagic disease scurvy. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient with important antioxidant properties. It is required by the body for normal physiological function. The body cannot synthesize vitamin C, it is present in nature through foods and other natural sources and it exists as a nutritional food supplement. The antioxidant activity of vitamin C protects the body from free radical damage. Vitamin C is essential for the development and maintenance of connective tissues. It is used as therapeutic agent in many diseases and disorders. Vitamin C plays an important role in several metabolic functions, as the conversion of the amino acid, tryptophan, to the neurotransmitter, serotonin, and the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids. Vitamin C supplementation resulted in a significant increase in vitamin C levels in populations; its high intake is associated with positive effects on cardiovascular risk factors. Vitamin C protects the immune system, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps to fight infections. It has an important role in bone formation, wound healing and the maintenance of healthy gums. There is profound beneficial effect of vitamin C in respect to human diseases as cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease and many metal toxicities. Several vitamin C analogs have been produced as anticancer and antioxidant activity. Vitamin C is useful if it is used as adjuvant therapy for several chronic diseases. Thus, this review summarizes the importance of vitamin C in the body’s physiology and biochemistry, in addition, the different mechanisms that vitamin C is implicated to treat different acute and chronic diseases. Future exploration should pay attention to chronic disease management by vitamin C.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Antitussive effect of aerial parts of caesalpinia pulcherrima l. by sulfur dioxide induced cough in rats

Study objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the antitussive effect of aerial parts of ethanolic extract of Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Caesalpiniaceae). Methods: In this study, cough was induced by the sulfur dioxide induction method. Four groups of animals were made, with six animals in each group, and all drugs were administered orally. Group I was used as a control, group II as a standard, and groups III and IV received 200 and 400 mg/kg Caesalpinia pulcherrima aerial parts extract. Results: Caesalpinia pulcherrima aerial parts (CPAP) extract suppressed cough. Doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg Caesalpinia pulcherrima aerial parts extract showed highly significant results compared to the standard at 60 and 90 min of drug administration. Conclusion: From the above results, it can be concluded that plants have significant activity in cough suppression.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Peningkatan mutu pengajaran sekolah dasar melalui pemanfaatan teknologi integratif

Pada awal terjadinya pandemi COVID 19, telah terjadi banyak hal yang mengakibatkan perubahan di tengah masyarakat. Salah satunya adalah di kegiatan belajar mengajar. Berangkat dari hal tersebut maka pada pertengahan Agustus 2020 dimulailah satu kegiatan untuk membantu para guru yang ada di daerah untuk bisa beradaptasi dengan perubahan terkait kegiatan belajar mengajar pada masa pandemi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam beberapa bulan dengan dua kegiatan utama dilaksanakan secara daring dan kegiatan pendampingan juga secara daring. Pada April 2021 didapatkanlah hasil dari kegiatan ini yang sebagian besar menilai kegiatan positif dan membantu dalam aplikasi kegiatan belajar mengajar. Hanya saja yang disayangkan kegiatan ini tidak menjangkau banyak peserta.

Lila Maria Kaban Lila maria kaban

Effect of dietary flavonoids on amine incorporation activity of transglutaminase 2 enzyme

Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is an inducible transamidating acyltransferase that catalyzes Ca2+-dependent protein modifications. TG2 enzyme disruption has been implicated in several different disease processes and disorders such as Huntington and Parkinson’s diseases, cancers such as breast, ovarian and pancreatic cancers. Coeliac disease (CD) is the one disease state that TG2 activity plays a crucial role. To date, a gluten-free diet is the only accepted form of therapy for CD. Because of the important role of TG2 enzyme in the initiation of CD, therefore, this study was aimed at the identification of TG2 inhibitors from natural sources, as a potential intervention in CD therapy. Competitive amine inhibitors are the most widely used TG2 inhibitors because they are commercially available, chemically stable and relatively non-toxic in living systems. The natural products chosen for this study were dietary flavonoids. Flavonoids were extracted from different food samples. The flavonoids food extracts were subjected to the TG2 activity assays to examine their effect on the enzyme activity. The assays were carried out under optimal conditions of pH, Ca2+ and with N, N-dimethylcasein (acyl-donor) or casein (acyl-acceptor) as acyl-donor substrates and biotin cadaverine (acyl-acceptor) or TVQQEL as (acyl-donor) substrates. TG activity was measured by two different microplate assays, Biotin-labeled cadaverine incorporation assay and Biotin-labeled peptide cross-linking assay. In the TG2 amine incorporation activity, all of food extracts display a significant inhibition effect towards the human recombinant transglutaminase2 (hrTG2) and guinea pig transglutaminase 2 (gplTG2) (20 - 50% of inhibition). While in the TG2 cross-linking activity, the majority of food extracts displayed an inhibition effect on the gplTG2 cross-linking activity (50 - 70% of inhibition) but only the strawberry and kale extracts showed an effect on hrTG2 activity (40 - 50% of inhibition). The inhibition of TG2 activity can be considered as a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of CD.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Importance of herbaria in herbal drug discovery

The conservation of traditional medicinal knowledge opens the door towards modern aspects of herbal drug discovery. It started with knowledge exchange through ethnic groups through oral tradition and then in the documented form. Herbaria conserving identified and authenticated plants for future correspondence play an important role. In presenting the review, the authors have declared different auxiliary aspects of herbaria for phytomedicinal research.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Sexual experience of women after pelvic radiotherapy for cervical cancer

OBJECTIVE Study was designed to assess sexual experience, thoughts, and problems of women who have been treated with pelvic radiotherapy for cervical cancer. METHODS Seventeen sexually active patients who received minimum 3-month course of pelvic radiotherapy between March 20, 2014 and June 20, 2014 gave consent to participate in the study. Sexual life before cancer diagnosis and effects of treatment on sexual life were assessed with semi-configured score scale created by research group. RESULTS Main diagnostic finding was post-coital and post-menopausal bleeding, and vaginal stricture, vaginal dryness, and decreased sexual desire in partner or patient were primary sexual problems reported. CONCLUSION Health professionals should be aware of these effects and should encourage patients to express their problems and provide effective, individual counsel to each patient.

Reyhan Aydin Doğan Reyhan aydin doğan

Uv spectrophotometric determination of cefixime in bulk and its dosage form

A novel, simple, accurate, sensitive, reproducible, economical and less time consuming spectroscopic method was developed and validated for determination of cefixime. The solvent used was 0.1 N HCL and the absorbance maxima or the λmax was found to be 283.0 nm and 303nm for zero order and first order derivative respectively. This method obeyes Beer’s Law for the concentration range of 8–16 µg/ml for cefixime. The proposed method was been validated statistically as per the ICH guidelines for linearity, accuracy, precision, specificity, LOD and LOQ. The method developed and validated successfully for the quantitative analysis of cefixime in bulk and dosage form.

Prasanna Pradhan Prasanna pradhan

State-focused roadmap to india's “vision 2030

Over the previous many years, India has taken a few While India has done well in guaranteeing access steps to accomplish its objectives towards universalization and universalisation of pre-essential, essential and of instruction. Past training changes, supported by auxiliary schooling, it is falling behind in numerous focal and state government plans and approaches, boundaries, for example, nature of instructing learning have helped in advancing access and value results, enrolments in advanced education and the and inch nearer to the predefined 2030 targets. Nature of abilities granted to its childhood. While free intercessions in the space of financing, development and innovation have been seen before, a durable methodology embracing each of the three switches are, numerous a period, missing in framework wide mediations. This paper examines key arrangements across these three switches that hold critical guarantee for India and gives proposals to states and different entertainers to accomplish 2030goals by utilizing these arrangements in a brought together way.

Dr Gedam Kamalakar Dr gedam kamalakar

Globalisation and adivasis - an empirical study in telangana

The process of globalisation has made an unprecedented change in indigenous people's lives worldwide. However, the degree of exploitation and marginalisation vary from State to state and Adivasi tribal group to group. It examines very young, and older people are representing the highest number in the study areas. More than 73 per cent of Adivasi tribes are illiterates. The majority of families practice nuclear and have below three family members. Fifty-seven per cent of families have tiles roofs to their houses. 70% of respondents are cultivators (farmers), and 81% possess landholdings. More than 64 per cent collect minor forest produce. 68% of respondents earn less than 20k annual income. 90% of women participated in deciding their economic and family affairs—Majority Adivasi tribal suffering from anaemia, TB, BP and Diabetes. Adivasi tribals staple food is rice, followed by jowar—91% of respondents practising non-tribal traditional marriage system. The Government should take steps towards developmental activities in all villages, including water supply, bus services and roads. The Government has to take an integrated approach to develop Adivasi tribes in all aspects they need and participate in.

B Suresh Lal B suresh lal

Anti-inflammatory activity of luffa cylindrica

The current study was designed to explore the anti-inflammatory effects of the crude hexane and ethanol extracts of the leaves and male flowers of Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem., (sponge gourds) to validate its folk use. These extracts produced significant anti-inflammatory effects (p.o.) at doses of 500, 750 and 1000 mg/kg b.w. in carrageenin-induced paw oedema in rats compared to those obtained with indomethacin. The results of the present study provide evidence for the anti-inflammatory properties of the leaves and male flowers of Luffa cylindrica, which have potential therapeutic applications for inflammatory diseases.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Got faith?-an in-depth analysis and review of five faith-based prisoner reentry programs in florida

In the United States, prisoner reentry programs are a necessity to re-integrate back into society and are of two types: Faith and Non-Faith. With increased emphasis placed on reforming the criminal justice system policies due to Black Lives Matter and other non-profits actively working to change the system from the outside, reentry programs are having a resurgence of interest for effective public policy. There are significant barriers for major policies at the state, local, and federal to be alleviated, nevertheless, our research wanted to consider the effectiveness of five faith-based, male-only reentry programs in central Florida. Small focus groups were utilized to better understand the concerns and issues returning inmates faced in the program as well as when returning to society. Reentry participants were found to have high confidence in the success of their participation in their faith-based program’s efforts on their personal and family growth.

International Journal of Business and Social Science Research International journal of business and social science research

Functional literacy of alternative learning system (als) learners: basis for sustainable extension development

This study aims to determine the functional literacy acquisition of Alternative Learning System learners and make a sound basis for strategic planning and pedagogical intervention that will help promote and develop the said program. The descriptive-evaluative method of research was used in the study. The descriptive method was used to identify the respondents' profile based on (a) age, (b) gender, (c) civil status, and (d) employment status. The evaluative method was used to determine the respondents' functional literacy acquisition in (a) communication skills, (b) scientific and critical thinking skills, (c) mathematical and problem solving skills, (d) life and career skills, (e) understanding the self and society, and (f) digital citizenship (formerly digital literacy). Frequency Count and Percentage Technique was used to describe the functional literacy acquisition of the respondents. Meanwhile, a modified survey questionnaire based on the functional literacy, education and mass media survey ("National Profile of Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills," 2004, p. 91) was used as the primary tool to gather the data. The respondents in this study were the students enrolled in ALS-Sipocot (North and South District), the school year 2019-2020. Due to COVID restrictions, other ALS learners from other municipalities were not covered as part of the study. Findings revealed that ALS learners do not yet manifest the complete acquisition of functional literacy needed to face the globalized world's challenges because their attainment of the required functional literacy skills is generally low. Moreover, the study disclosed that sex, age, civil status, and employment status affect the acquisition of functional literacy skills among ALS learners in Sipocot, Camarines Sur. Based on the results, the researcher developed an extension activity to help the ALS learners improve their functional literacy, particularly in the digital citizenship area, where they got the lowest score.

Darrel Ocampo Darrel ocampo

Natural and anthropogenic changes threatening the ecological and limnological integrity of lake baringo, kenya: a review

Lakes are characterized by dynamic responses to ecological and limnologic disturbances that occur within a constrained timeframe. Some endorheic lakes in the Kenyan Rift valley are presently regarded as environmental hotspots because of complex changes that are revealed through multiple proxies; changing lake levels and surface area, turbidity and sedimentation, and the proliferation of macrophytes, and loss of aquatic biodiversity. Lake Baringo is characterized by widespread catchment degradation accompanied by high levels of turbidity during erratic and decline of the native fishery based on Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis. A careful analysis implicates potential natural factors such as catchment topography and increasing anthropogenic pressure as the main causes of lake ecosystem degradation. This paper recommends several strategies for restoration of Lake Baringo based on an integrated multi-faceted approach that combines catchment rehabilitation, pollution control, and provision of alternative livelihoods such as agriculture to the riparian communities

Omweno job Omweno job


A new feature generates customer delight by using modern computer vision techniques to drive new search paradigms through visual discovery.

Senthilkumar Gopal Senthilkumar gopal

Elevated co2 and temperature resetting the expression of resistance, pest incidence, geographical distribution and physiology in insect-pests of grain legumes

The most important factor that affects the crop production in terms of nutritional content of foliar plants is the global climate change. Herbivore’s growth, development, survival and geographical distribution all are determined by elevated CO2 and temperature. The interactions between herbivores and plants have changed due to increasing level of CO2 and temperature. The effect of high CO2 and temperature on grain legume plant which change in to plant physiology (e.g., nutritional content, foliage biomass) and how it change in herbivory metabolism rate and food consumption rate. Plant injury is determined by two factors viz. resistance and tolerance and both are influenced by greater CO2 and temperature. Legumes are an important source of food and feed in the form of proteins and also improve the soil environment. The repercussions of the abiotic factors mentioned above needs discussion among the scientific community. We may able to limit the negative repercussions of stated factors in future breeding projects by harnessing the practical favourable impacts and by including such influences of elevated CO2 and temperature on pulses productivity. The extensive research is necessary to overcome the negative effects of high CO2 and temperature on insect-plant interaction

DR. BABU LAL JAT Dr. babu lal jat

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